i spent a summer digitizing all my parents home movies from vhs.
i'm including my favorite josh & rebecca baby videos here.

please enjoy this wholesome content.

here's rebecca as a tiny baby and me, josh, as a less tiny baby

i always thought this could be in a mcdonalds commercial

we did a lot of dancing...

and playing...

and more dancing

even square dancing!

and ballet!

we also sang songs

but it all started with our a,b,c's

and we did gymnastics (i'm the one in the ninja turtle outfit)

and dabbled in puppetry

we started performing fairly early

we enjoyed riding bicycles

and loved to take baths (look out for the surprise ending!)

we competed in the olmypics

and watched a healthy amount of television

we loved halloween

and dressing up

we were gorgeous precious and we knew it

we knew it when we were eating food

or even while singing on the potty and mom is being very rude

oh and this was gus who adopted us when he was already pretty old so we only got to hang out for a few year

thanks for watching! lol